That’s what we’ll be covering in detail in this article. So how do we connect the LED’s, how do we reduce the current to keep the LED’s safe and how long will a battery power our circuit for.

When we look at an LED being destroyed under a microscope, we can see the tiny wire exploding inside. The LED has a tiny wire inside, this can only handle a certain amount of current passing through it. But, if we exceed it’s voltage and current limit it will instantly be destroyed. If we pass a current through one, it produces light. These are LED’s, or light emitting diode. Scroll to the bottom to watch the YouTube tutorial. How to calculate resistor size, how to protect LED, how long will a battery power a circuit, how to calculate resistor power rating, how to connect LED and much more. You could do worse than to search for the original Smith publications where he describes how to use his chart. I'd probably start with putting a simpler circuit into a simulator, that had a Smith Chart display for the results, understanding what it showed you, then building the complexity up to what you have drawn. However, knowing how to use a simulator is way better than not. That will put you head and shoulders above what most students do today which is whack everything into a simulator and hope. Ideally, you'll learn the graphical approach on a Smith Chart, confirm it on a simulator, and check a few points with a calculator for a fully rounded understanding.

The thought process when gazing at a Smith Chart will often be 'my locus is here and it needs to be there, so I need a sniff of series C'. A simulator certainly will not offer to add components for you.

More importantly it won't help you guess what type of component you should add to bring the response to where you want it. Whereas a simulator will show you what a circuit will do at a given frequency with given load and source impedances, it won't help you imagine what a circuit will do if you change the load slightly. Smith invented his chart to do this stuff before computers were powerful or ubiquitous enough to run simulators.